Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Setting the Premise (as early as now)

If you are going to fall in love with me, for justice sake, it is only fair that you know WHAT you are falling in love with. You are falling in love with my complexity, indecisiveness, my out of this world kind of maturity and into the black hole child-likeness. You will fall in love with a girl who stomps her feet and pulls her hair when things do not go her way. You will fall in love with a mouth that never runs out of things to say, a mouth that mangles innocent languages and a mouth that constantly invents/innovates words that you are required to use daily. You will have to put up with a person who crosses her eyes and makes faces while you two are in the middle of a conversation. You are falling in love with the person who turns-off the car radio only for you to listen to her as she raps songs (you’ll never ever imagine “rappable”). You are falling in love with my hyperactive tear ducts, my high tendencies to overthink, over react and over analyse. You have to put up with my monthly PMS that may cause me to either want to see you every minute of everyday or not want to see you at all.  You are going to put up with my crazy thoughts and wild ideas of wanting to shave your legs, pluck your eye browse, do you a facial and put make up on you or worse, tell you to eat paper.

Photo courtesy of: Ciarky's FB :)

You will have to fall in love with my “non-negotiables”. My family whom I love more than life itself, my nieces and nephews whom I love like they are my own. My sisters who are a part of my whole being as much as I am a part of them;  (they are the people whom I love beyond the bounds of sisterhood.) My secret guy best friend who will intimidate and taunt you every now and then, my bubble (Kitel, Juju, Ciek) who I will forever claim mine and mine alone. You will fall in love with my obsession on trying to be there for loved ones most of the time and my constant need to keep things together for all of them all the time as well. My need to call family and friends different terms of endearment (girl or boy) and how I find satisfaction in giving myself to almost everyone I come close with.

You will have to fall in love with my not so perfect past that made me who I am, my life frustrations, my unwavering hopes and non-stop chasing of dreams. 

If you can bear, swallow, stomach falling in love with such, then you will also be falling in love with the way my eyes would smile whenever I’m with you or while talking about you. My ears who’d sincerely listen to all the things you have to say. My lips that will kiss away your worries and tears will be the same lips that will be at its sweetest whenever it says your name. You will fall in love with my shoulders whom you can lean on when life becomes too difficult, my hands that will hold yours as we walk around (even in circles), my arms that will embrace you both in moments of bliss and defeat, my feet that will walk a thousand steps to be with you.  You will fall in love with the hugs I randomly give, the sweet nothings I will surprise you with. You are falling in love with the witty, humour-filled (w/o a doubt and w/o effort) out of the blue antics I make.  You will fall in love with the way I blush (or turn purple-because I’m dark) when I’m given the chance to talk about you endlessly and when people ask about you.  You are falling in love with someone who will make you feel loved each moment of everyday, even when I’m mad or at least say I am. I promise to think of ways each day to make you happy so you can also fall in love with the promise that you won’t be unhappy with me. :)

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